Careful Balance specializes in culinary creation and design
We excel at food, design, and website creation.
This site is currently serving as the homepage and digital portfolio of Kyle Johnson while learning website design and taking on some independent design projects.
Careful Balance is NOT CURRENTLY A BUSINESS! We do not currently have clients, accept clients, or do ANY business. This will be updated in the event that Careful Balance goes into business.

I am "Careful" Kyle Johnson
I have been fascinated by web design since I laid my eyes on the internet in 1995.
I have been working freelance web design jobs to perfect my skills and Careful Balance is my outlet to carry this to the next level. I have my bachelor's degree in business management and have dedicated my free time to learning all the skills necessary to design spectacular and stunning websites that look great on any device.
I am sous chef at 9 Restaurant at North Bellingham Golf Course
I have been studying under Executive Chef Nick Moss for the last 5 years and still learn new things from him every time we are in the kitchen together.
I am gaining experience in the catering side of the restaurant industry while maintaining my line and prep skills through a scratch-based kitchen with ever-increasing demand for the delicious food.
Creativity and teamwork are encouraged and rewarded through the creation of specialized 5-course paired meals.
We host at least 6 tastings a year that require a group menu preparation session, hours upon hours of planning and setup, days of food preparation, and a TON of love to deliver an elegantly catered and perfectly paired 5-course tasting that is moderated by industry experts and Chef Nick Moss.